Welcome to the most recent new members of the European Environmental Paper Networ: Save the Rhino, based in the UK, and Forum Ecologie & Papier, based in Germany.

Both organisations have become involved through our campaign about Asia Pulp and Paper, both being concerned about the destruction of forests in Indonesia in order to create products consumed in Europe.

We look forward to working together in this ever-strengthening network.

Some of you will remember Mandy Haggith, who was the co-ordinator of the EEPN from the early days, when we wrote our common vision together, until 2009. She’s back.

The European Environmental Paper Network has been ably guided through the past couple of years by Daniel Hausknost, and we are all sorry to see him go and grateful for his great work, including setting up this beautiful new website.

The position of co-ordinator has once again been taken up by Mandy Haggith. Mandy says, ‘I’m really excited to be back co-ordinating the environmental paper network in Europe. We have an ambitious vision for transforming the paper industry to be truly sustainable and ethical, and there still seems to be some work to be done to bring it to reality. I’m looking forward to working with everyone in the network again to help achieve our vision.’

With a new co-ordinator at the helm this is a good opportunity to reflect on where we are heading, and at the Forest Movement Europe meeting in Portugal at the end of April we will be renewing our commitment to the vision and setting priorities.

[frame_left alt="" title=""]http://environmentalpaper.eu/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Mandy-wee-150×150.jpg[/frame_left]Please contact Mandy if you would like to feed into this process. See the Contact Page for her details.