
CALL FOR PROJECTS: Reducing wasteful paper consumption

WWF Forests for Life Programme seed-funds projects reducing wasteful paper consumption

Forests will come under pressure like never before in the coming decades to meet the demands of a growing population.[1] Reducing wasteful consumption will be key to ensure that the Earth’s resources are not depleted. It is, therefore, an integral aspect of the WWF Forests for Life programme’s work and at the heart of EEPN. We know that the challenges are vast, which is why finding synergies and working together as NGOs and civil society organisations is of essence. With this letter we approach the Environmental Paper Networks around the world with a seed funding proposal for projects on stopping wasteful paper consumption.

In 2015/2016 the WWF Forests for Life programme will seed-fund 2-3 NGO projects in identified priority countries that show effective strategies and steps towards reducing wasteful paper consumption. Priority will be given to projects with a multiplier effect and chances for continuation beyond the seed-funding phase.

We look for submissions of projects for the following identified priority countries:

  • Projects that reduce wasteful paper consumption in countries with high per capita consumption and significant overall paper consumption rates: United States; Japan; Canada; Germany, UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain
  • Projects that encourage sustainable paper use growth strategies (promoting highly valuable paper uses but warning against wasteful paper uses) in countries with low per capita paper use, however with high overall paper use and significant growth rates: China, Poland

Max. funding per project: 5000 Euro

Timeframe of the project: October 2015 to June 2016

Format: Maximum 1 page description and a budget.

Deadline for submitting the proposals: 20th of September 2015

Download pdf for full details here.


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